passport publishing

Passport Publishing 公司代表著國際性的曲目及創作人。在過去十多年間,將製作及出版的藝術結合起來,創出新意念。 Passport Publishing 是間與別不同的公司,與創作人以單對單的形式合作,並以製作為本,這些音樂人現已成為獨當一面的創作人編曲人及監製,為樂壇培育出新一浪的音樂創作人才。曾與Passport Publishing合作的音樂人多不勝數,包括 CY Kong 陳輝陽 辛偉力 Toshi Matsumoto (for reference only - Misia鄧建明張亞東 Ted Lo  Jimmy Fung 楊淽 那無不是Passport Publishing成功的印記。  

現階段Passport Publishing 的創作人如下: Christopher Chak  Vincent Chow 鍾銘熙 KOLOR members Sammy So, Robin Law, Michael Chu, Sunny Tse 等等  。

Passport Publishing 出版的音樂作品,成績斐然的如陳奕迅歌曲 <任我行>,於YouTube 廣東歌點撃排行榜中超過千萬。另一歌手 吳雨霏 歌曲,<我本人>,同樣在You Tube廣東歌點撃率 超過一千五百萬,創下佳績。

此外Passport Publishing 也曾出版著名作詞人林夕的經典作品如張國榮的,<陪你倒數>,<我>,<左右手>等等。作曲人 CY Kong 為王菲 打造的 <開到荼靡>,<百年孤寂>等作品絕對是王菲的大熱之選。

陳奕迅 <葡萄成熟時><陀飛輪>,<張敬軒> ,<酷愛>多首大熱作品,作曲人 - Vincent Chow 歡迎加入我們的創作團隊。 期望再次為樂壇帶來更多精彩作品,熱切期待。

Notable mentions include past works by Lin Xi 林夕 and CASH Golden Sail Award writer MJ Tam of MR  2017 "最廣泛演出金帆奬《國語流行作品》披風 (陳奕迅) 出品公司: Passport Publishing" 

Passport Publishing represents songwriters worldwide. This  progressive company with its first hand knowledge in the music and recording industry along with a long-term vision in signing local talents developed today’s established songwriters/producers. The company defined the meaning of an independent mini-major company the pioneer in developing songwriters into producers in their own right, therefore, creating a new wave of creativity. The accomplished songwriters were CY Kong, Chan Fai Yeung, San Wai Lik, Toshi Matsumoto for reference only, wrote monster hits for Japanese superstar Misia), Joey Tang, Zhang Ya Tung .

Among the company's  signing - writer Christopher Chak, is currently enjoying the success of hits for Eason Chan, Kay Tse, Joey Yung, Hins Cheung and recent signing of Vincent Chow, whose works includes Eason Chan, Hacken Lee, Hins Cheung, Vincy Chan, Prudence Liew, Gin Lee etc.

KOLOR members Sammy So, Robin Law, Michael Chu, Sunny Tse.

Christopher Chak and Vincent Chow collaborated first time ever on Gin Lee's album 'Dear Secret'

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